7 Play Styles Every Child Should Experience

7 Play Styles Every Child Should Experience

Playing with kids can be a fun and rewarding experience. Kids love to play, and parents need to understand how different types of play can help kids grow physically, cognitively, and socially. Whether crafting, physical, or creative play, your children can engage in a wide range of playful activities that promote development.

In this blog, we’ll discuss different types of play and how each can contribute to your child’s development.

Independent Play

independent play

Independent play allows kids to explore their creativity and discover the satisfaction of accomplishing things independently.

Independent play allows your kids to create whatever they can imagine, whether it’s building something using craft materials or making sand castles. This type of play can help kids cultivate positive relationships with themselves and others and develop skills like resourcefulness and problem-solving.

Here are some examples of independent play for kids:

  • Playing puzzle games
  • Sorting and stacking
  • “Reading” on their own
  • Coloring or painting

When kids play by themselves, they get to experiment with new ideas without worrying about judgment or expectations from others. It’s a time of pure creative freedom for them!

Creative Play

 wax craft sticks

Crafting is a wonderful way for kids to explore their creativity and make fun and unique items, like mosaic pictures or make-your-own headbands. The possibilities for craft activities are endless, and they can also make a great homemade gift to show loved ones how much you care. These activities are also great for parents to bond with their children while fostering creativity.

With Purple Ladybug’s Wax Craft Sticks, kids can take their crafting to the next level by creating 2D and 3D creations that encourage them to think outside the box.

Constructive Play

clay create  

Constructive play is a great way to keep your kids entertained and engaged. Constructive play is always an adventure, whether they’re building blocks or playing with Legos! This type of play helps improve their fine motor skills and provides a perfect opportunity for them to practice problem-solving and patience.   

Kids and teens alike will love Purple Ladybug’s Claycreate PRO to make their own customized hair accessories.

Fantasy Play

fantasy play with mom

Let your child’s imagination run wild with fantasy play! It’s an exciting way for kids to create their own adventures and develop vital skills in socializing, thinking, and expressing themselves.

Whether they’re playing dress-up, pretending to be superheroes, or exploring a make-believe world, fantasy play offers endless possibilities for fun and excitement. As parents, you can support your children by joining the fun and buying them craft kits or dress-up clothes.

Social Play or Cooperative Play

social play or group play

Social play is when kids play together in an organized manner, like team sports or board games. This helps children learn important social skills, like working together, communicating, and respecting each other’s boundaries.

Activities like Simon Says can help with listening skills, while Scavenger Hunts help them learn teamwork, organization, and positive decision-making. Games like tag can teach turn-taking and sportsmanship.

Incorporating these activities into your daily routine can help prepare your child for school and help them develop important social skills.

Free Play

kid doing free play

Children naturally love to learn and explore through their own unstructured play, making free play important for their development. Playgrounds are fantastic places for kids to let their imaginations run wild and come up with their own games and activities without any strict rules or guidelines.

Parents and teachers should encourage this type of play because it allows children to be creative, have fun, and hone their problem-solving skills. Giving your kids the opportunity to play freely, whether alone or with friends, is crucial for their growth and development.

Physical Play

biking with family

Physical play are games where kids move a lot, like jumping rope or climbing. This type of play is good for their bodies because it keeps them healthy and strong. Physical play also helps kids develop different muscles and improve coordination.

Here are some physical activities for kids:

  • Walking, running, skipping, jumping, and dancing
  • Tricycle or biking
  • Swimming
  • Gymnastics
  • Playing catch

Discover the Different Play Styles and Watch Your Child Thrive

Play is an essential part of a healthy childhood. By experiencing different play styles, your kids can develop skills like creativity, problem-solving, social interaction, physical health, and emotional regulation.

As parents, caregivers, and educators, it’s important to encourage and facilitate opportunities for children to engage in different types of play. Let’s help our children become well-rounded individuals ready to tackle the world's challenges!


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