It's completely natural for kids (and adults!) to feel strange putting on a mask the first few times.
But since masks are an important way to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, here are some tips to help encourage your kids to mask up!
❤️ Let them choose their masks! - Masks in their favorite colors or featuring their favorite characters are much more likely to get them excited about wearing them. It’s also another fun way to show off their personality and style!
️❤️ Make play masks for their stuffed animals or dolls!
❤️ Remind your child of the kindness they are showing when they wear a mask! - Kids are natural helpers and it’s important for them to know why they are being asked to do this.
❤️ Show them photos of their favorite singers or other people they know wearing a mask.
❤️ Teach them how to wear a mask properly and model it yourself.
❤️ Practice wearing your mask at home for short periods of time to get used to it. - Try keeping your mask on for the length of a board or card game or seeing how many songs you can dance around to with your mask on.
❤️ Incorporate sticker charts or prizes into keeping their mask on when you’re out and about.
❤️ Read books or create art featuring characters with masks (if you need some ideas, be sure to check out this week’s free printables!).
How have you been teaching your kids to wear their masks?
Please share your tips and pics with us on social media @plbfun! We are all in this together!