Prismic™ Star Lantern

Prismic™: Star Lantern is a fun and engaging DIY puzzle that you build into a dazzling 3D lantern. 

It is lit up from within using USB-powered LED string lights.

Looking for step-by-step written instructions?   Click here

Or, watch our video instructions (sound up for helpful tips!) 

Shop all Prismic here

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STEP 1: Take the panels and lay them out according to the diagram below

prismic star step 1.jpg__PID:799d95f2-41b5-4f61-b345-71c280776741

Red lines are folded up towards the Outside.
Blue lines are folded away from you towards the Inside.

Red and Blue lines.jpg__PID:5ddb5ddf-b3cf-48b4-8c3c-d532f2e627ae

STEP 2: Use the highlighted panel and fold/bend the panel along the red and the blue lines.

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STEP 3: Use the highlighted panel and fold/bend the panel along the red and the blue lines.

prismic star step 3.1.jpg__PID:4ffe873d-1cbf-45d2-a866-b385e6be63ac

STEP 4: Now, get the piece you completed in Step 2 and join it to the one from Step 3 by connecting the flat and tabbed edges as indicated below.

prismic star step 4.1.jpg__PID:8d094ffe-873d-4cbf-95d2-6866b385e6be

STEP 5: Use the highlighted panel and fold/bend the panel along the red and the blue lines.

prismic star step 5.1.jpg__PID:e78d094f-fe87-4d1c-bfd5-d26866b385e6

STEP 6: Now, get the piece you completed in Step 2 and join it to the one from Step 3 by connecting the flat and tabbed edges as indicated below.

prismic star step 6.1.jpg__PID:411be78d-094f-4e87-bd1c-bfd5d26866b3

STEP 7: Use the highlighted panel and fold/bend the panel along the red and the blue lines.

prismic star step 7.jpg__PID:ac411be7-8d09-4ffe-873d-1cbfd5d26866

STEP 8: Now, get the piece you completed in Step 2 and join it to the one from Step 3 by connecting the flat and tabbed edges as indicated below.

prismic star step 8.jpg__PID:de38ac41-1be7-4d09-8ffe-873d1cbfd5d2

STEP 9: Set up the LED light string inside the assembly.

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STEP 10: Use the highlighted panel and fold/bend the panel along the red and the blue lines.

prismic star step 10.jpg__PID:f8de38ac-411b-478d-894f-fe873d1cbfd5

STEP 11: Make the connections from the panel to the main assembly first, then ending with the tip.

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STEP 10: To place the optional hanging hook onto the wire, take the middle portion of the hook

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Prismic™: Tabletop Heart Lantern

Prismic™:  Tabletop Heart Tabletop Lantern is a fun and engaging DIY 3D light up puzzle that you build into a stunning lantern.

Place it on any surface in your house as an eye-catching design piece that gives off a beautiful shimmery glow!

Looking for step-by-step written instructions?   
Click here

Or, watch our video instructions (sound up for helpful tips!) Shop all Prismic here

Shop all Prismic here

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Prismic™: Hanging Heart Lantern

Prismic™:  Tabletop Hanging Heart Lantern is a 3D puzzle that you build into a stunning piece of decor. It uses USB-powered LED lights that give off a beautiful shimmery glow!

Looking for step-by-step written instructions?   Click here

Or, watch our video instructions (sound up for helpful tips!)

Shop all Prismic here

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Prismic™: Bear Lantern

Prismic™:  Bear Lantern is a 3D puzzle that you build into a stunning piece of decor. It uses USB-powered LED lights that give off a beautiful shimmery glow!

Looking for step-by-step written instructions?   Click here

Or, watch our video instructions (sound up for helpful tips!)

Shop all Prismic here

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Prismic™: Dog Lantern

Prismic™:  Dog Lantern is a 3D puzzle that you build into a stunning piece of decor. It uses USB-powered LED lights that give off a beautiful shimmery glow!

Looking for step-by-step written instructions?   Click here

Or, watch our video instructions (sound up for helpful tips!)

Shop all Prismic here

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Prismic™: Unicorn Lantern

Prismic™:  Unicorn Lantern is a 3D puzzle that you build into a stunning piece of decor. It uses USB-powered LED lights that give off a beautiful shimmery glow!

Looking for step-by-step written instructions?   Click here

Or, watch our video instructions (sound up for helpful tips!)

Shop all Prismic here

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1535 - Prismic - Tabletop Heart_EBC 970x600_19Dec2023-07.jpg__PID:60c69433-4267-4e9d-b7eb-c092a44c04cb[Prismic 3D Lantern STAR] A+ Premium_10Nov2023-07.jpg__PID:ba0b23d3-396b-41e6-9bbb-855b4c116b5b